Firstly, congratulations on wanting to become a member, trust me - you've made the right decision!!! There are several ways to join the Raytown Amateur Radio Club, the process is pretty simply though. You fill out a Membership Application, Pay your Membership Fee, and at the next club meeting your membership is voted on by the membership.
Now, as for actually filling things out, there are several ways!
1. You can download the
paper application, fill it out, enclose your membership fee and mail it back to our treasurer at the address provided below.
2. You can download the
paper application, fill it out, come to the next meeting and submit it and your membership fee in person.
3. You can fill out our
online membership application, then send your payment in, bring it buy - OR use the PayPal link to submit it online.
4. Any combination of the above! The important part is that we receive a membership application and a payment for membership dues.
If you run into any problems, have any questions - or have concerns you can always feel free to reach out to the Board of Directors or our Treasurer - any of us will be happy to help you along the way!
Mail In Payments should be sent to:
Raytown Amateur Radio Club, Inc
C/O John Totzke - W0JWT
1117 SE 3rd Ter
Lees Summit, MO 64063
Online Payments may be made via PayPal:
Membership Renewal PageDues: Annual Dues are $15/Individual, $25/Family, prorated. Each family member must complete an application.
Prorated Dues are as follows
** Includes next year's membership dues.
All dues paid are non-refundable.
There is a $2 convenience fee added for using PayPal to help offset the costs incurred by the club.
* Family dues rate applies to spouses or their dependent children ( maximum of 4 members; additional family members are $4 per year per individual).