President - Jeremiah Griffith, KC4CAD
I am a relatively new ham, I tested with the Raytown Club in January of 2020. I attained my technician license at that testing session, then came back in April of 2021 and received my General Class license.
I had always had an interest in Amateur Radio, but when I was younger the code requirement still existed and I just couldn't grasp my head around morse code... so I had kinda given up on the chance... several years ago through scouting I became friends with fellow club member Dave Hinkley, who reigniged my interest. I reached out to our test coordinator and resident expert Robin W0FEN and the rest is history.
I'm active in the RARC, a member of the ARRL and a lifetime member of the OM International Sideband Society... I also enjoying hunting POTA activators and occasionally going out and activating myself.
I currently have a FT-300D mobile, a FT-897, and an FTDX-3000 here at home. I have a spencer dipole (OCFD) that is 187-ish feet long that has allowed me to work pretty much any band on HF... I regularly work 12,17,20,40 and 80 and am now starting to look at playing on 160m.
Secretary - David Hinkley, KA0SOG
Treasurer - John Totzke, W0JWT
I was first licensed in 2017 when I earned my Tech. and General tickets.
I am currently a member of Raytown Amatuer Radio (RARC) in Raytown Missouri.
I am also involved with Jackson county ARES, KCHEART and Raytown CERT for emergency support.
Currrently for HF, I have a Yaesu FT-991A with a 53ft end feed for base operations.
Member at Large - Jen Albright, N0VVX
My father KE0DSV is a blind ham. I had escorted him to maybe 2 hamfests at the Shrine temple and at least 2 WW1 events, before everyone knew my name and it seemed I was destined to have a license. Dad bought me a hand held at Christmas and it was under the bus I went until I passed! But that is how you know the Ham community loves you! I passed my technician license March of 2019.
I have always been a weather watcher, and amateur radio made that more interesting. I have not had time to educate myself in the many weather net operations, but that is next on the list.
Outside of radio I have a son, daughter in law, 3 beautiful grandchildren, a very independent step daughter and a crazy S.O. who keep me busy. Along with Jeep time, kayaking and being on a trail with a dog, I stay as busy as I can outside in the sunshine. I have a spoiled golden retriever, that lies under my feet in my ham shack and laughs along with the craziness that comes across the radio!
Tuesday night you can join me in the Americas KC Wide Fusion room on the Hammeettes net at 8pm (central time). I listen on the Raytown club repeater as much as possible. So you may catch me there also. The RARC and Hammettes both have facebook pages to keep updated on the happenings in the area.