Good evening and welcome to the Raytown Amateur Radio Club (RARC) net. This is (your call) , My name is (your name) , I will be your net control for this evening.
This net is held each Sunday evening, starting at 20:00 local time with various net controllers on a rotating basis. (unkey) The club also runs nets on the UHF repeater at 442.400(+) tone 151.4hz….Wednesday nights is the UHF Fusion net at 8PM, and Thursday nights is the UHF Analog net at 7PM.
Before we start the net, any stations with emergency or priority traffic, please call now. (unkey) STATIONS HAVING EMERGENCY TRAFFIC ANY TIME THRU OUT THE NET MAY BREAK, BY SAYING BREAK BREAK. (unkey)
The RARC net is a directed open net for the purpose of helping all hams to get answers to technical or operating questions as well as to share their activities on the bands. All hams are encouraged to raise their questions and the net control operator will direct the question to the available Elmers. The net would also like to encourage all hams to share their radio experiences and the net control operator will announce a different topic at the start of check-ins.
The RARC meets the fourth Thursday of each month, except November and December @ Community of Christ 6231 Manning Avenue Raytown, MO 64133. We also sponsor VE testing the third Tuesday at the same location.
Again I am your net control this evening (your call). The topic of discussion for this week is (...from list on page 2) so please share a brief mention of your experiences. We will start taking check ins three at a time please. (unkey)
This is (your call) net control for the RARC weekly net. Are there any additional Check ins please call now. (unkey)
(Also don’t forget to ask for any Echolink check ins)
Thank you for joining us tonight. If you want to learn more about our club, visit our web site at http://K0GQ.com
This is (your call), closing the net and returning the repeater to normal use.